Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh, that's right. I have a blog due tonight.

Creation was not so vast a work as redemption; for it is written of man and
of all things that were made, ‘He spake the word, and they were made’ (Ps. 148.5). But to redeem that creation which sprang into being at His word, how much He spake, what wonders He wrought, what hardships He endured, what shames He suffered! Therefore what reward shall I give unto the Lord for all the benefits which He hath done unto me? In the first creation He gave me myself; but in His new creation He gave me Himself, and by that gift restored to me the self that I had lost.

That last sentence really go to me when I read this yesterday. In my analytical mindset,  I had always thought that the greater thing was creation. Possibly because I find it a much greater thing to build a car rather than to fix it. But upon reading this, I was really struck by the reasoning behind this. For God to create the universe, all he had to say was "Be" and it existed. However, in order to bring that creation back to Him, He had to sacrifice Himself so that we can live. Just something I noticed though.

~~Cody Martin~~
PS. I commented Here

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