Friday, September 7, 2012

A Man of Mystery

Telemachos was a young man who did not know his father. As the story progressed, he was able to learn more about this man of mystery. I don't know what it would have been like for me if  from the time I was a young kid to a grown adult to have never seen my father and to have my mother plauged with suitors for as long as I could remember. It must have been so hard on him, not having a true father figure around except for Mentor, and then suddenly learning about his true father. To Telemachos, Oddyseus was just a stranger in tales his mother told him; but to really know about his true character and personality gave new life and hope to this story. He learned about his father from some of Oddyseus's friends and comrades: Nestor the tamer of horses, Menelaos the fair haired, and finally from the infamous beauty Helen. To have met these people and be in good standing at his present age was what some would think a miracle; but was actually the work of Athene diguised as Mentor.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Man of the House

Talk about a reality check. In the span of one conversation, Telemachos had to muster up the guts to tell a crowd of grown men that they were no longer welcome to stay at what just became his house. Upon speaking with Athena, he realizes that he must take responsibility for the house and for his mother. In spite of all the retorts and remarks of the suitors, he boldly tells them what he must. In the span of that one conversation, he had to grow and become a man. The way Telemachus goes through this is actually a very good example of how it should happen for anyone when they are forced to grow up. 

The crucial aspect that he has in this trial is someone older and wiser speaking into the situation with his best interests in mind. Friends and family that will do this for you in your life are some of the most valuable people you can ever know. Proverbs 13:18 "Poverty and shame will come the him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honored."

Like father, like son

   I have to admit, I was rather surprised that Telemachos rose to meet everyone's expectations. When they first compared him to his father I was worried he would rebel, but he proved himself worthy to be the son of Odysseus. Still I can't help but wonder if this would have been different had his father been there as Telemachos was growing up. Telemachos didn't even know the man whose shoes he was expected to fill. How is it possible to reach a goal you are unfamiliar with? He drew his identity from a man he hadn't seen since early childhood. The only reference he had was the stories he had been told by any who knew Odysseus. This is why he began his voyage to find his father, only it wasn't about finding hi father. It was about finding his own identity apart from Odysseus, to find the similarities but also the differences, i.e. what distinguished him from Odysseus. He also needed his own tales of glory to be told and retold just like his father.

Sitting in Silence

"Now it is not so much the proud suitors I resent for doing their violent acts by their minds' evil devising; for they lay their heads on the line when they violently eat up the house of Odysseus... but now I hold it against you other people, how you all sit there in silence, and never with an assault of words try to check the suitors, though they are so few, and you so many."

So spoke Mentor, an old friend of Odysseus, in support of Telemachos' plea for assistance in driving out the suitors. But the crowd said nothing, and allowed the suitors to continue their 'courtship.' Was Antinoos' rebuttal really so convincing? He had blamed Penelope for the entire situation. But could anyone really think it was her fault? The suitors were fully aware that she was putting them off. Why would they still be waiting for her? Was she that hard to give up - or were they more concerned about the free meals? Did these men enjoy being put off?

I can't believe that all the people listening to this argument thought it was valid. But they did nothing. They just sat in silence.

P.S. I commented on Susan Berner's post.

Achilles Sucks.

            I’m going to hate on Achilles a little bit more so feel free to brace yourselves now if you are team Achilles. Achilles’ treatment of Hektors body was the most atrocious thing in the entire epic. I found that more appalling than the river clogged with Achilles’ victims, and that imagery was disturbing to the extreme. Even the gods were offended by what he was doing, and I think for them to be offended on such a personal level means that something very wrong was happening. I will say this though, I think that the cruelty of his actions were a projection of his own guilt in the death of his friend Patroklos. I think that Achilles was directly involved in the death of Patroklos by his inaction. He could have fought alongside his friend and essentially ended the war but, as I’ve said many times, his pride hindered him and his friend died because of that very pride. The way he dishonored Hektor was so extreme and I feel like it was more to try and bring back the honor that was stolen from Patroklos in his death. I don’t know if I’m explaining this right, but basically what I’m saying is that Achilles’ treatment of Hektor’s body was just another selfish action because it was just a way for him to try and ease his own guilt.   

Posted on Jasmne's "Hector's Proposal"

No More Neverland

There is a moment in every person's life when they realize that they must grow up. That moment is different for each individual but I believe it is necessary. There is a time to act as a child and there is a time to grow up. When people do not face the fact that they cannot act as children any longer, they become the people who cannot deal with their own concerns. Someone else is always at fault and someone else must handle their problems. This does not make for a well-rounded adult or citizen. This is what Athene refuses to let Telemachos become. Athene boldly tells Telemachos, "You should not go on clinging to your childhood. You are no longer of an age to do that" (line 296-7). Athene says this to him because she knows there is greatness in him. She sees what he can become if he chooses to accept his responsibility as an adult. Those words are not easy to hear and they are most likely difficult for Telemachos to hear, but because Athene tells him while she is in the form of his friend Mentes, Telemachos listens. Because he listens to Athene, he has the courage to confront the suitors during the assembly and to depart on the journey to gather news about his father.

Sometimes I think we all need that one friend to be bold enough to speak the truth in love to us. What friends say might be hard to hear and we might be defensive at first, but most of the time we become defensive because what they say is true. Sometimes friends know us better than we even know ourselves and sometimes they see the potential we have even when we cannot.

P.S.- Posted on Danielle's blog.

Wisdom of the Ages

I have loved Greek mythology, really any mythology, since I was really young. I don’t know too much about Greek myths, but I know enough to know that there’s just something in them reels me in every time. This is all to say that, ever since I was first introduced to Greek mythology, Athena has been my absolute favorite goddess. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my parents have always drilled into me the importance of wisdom. Or maybe it’s just that I like the way she goes about things. Whatever it is, she is my absolute favorite.
In The Odyssey, Athena plays a large role in helping Telemachus begin his journey to find out about Odysseus. She is always thinking three, or seven, steps ahead of anyone else. She reminds me of a character in a manga I just, sort of, finished reading. In this manga, the character, his name is Shikamaru, is the best battle strategist there is. He always knows what the enemy is going to do, and he always plans for every possibility. Athena is very similar.
If we were living in Ancient Greece I would want Athena to be my patron goddess, I’d also want her to be on my side if it came down to it. The rest of the gods act in anger, Athena thinks through what she is going to do. This is why the Grecians chose to name their capitol city after her.
Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit
I commented on Molly Gray’s “An Age Of Plastic Wrap”

"A chip off the ol' block"

Does a child bring honor to his Father? Does a father create a role for his child to fulfill? I think both. In the beginning chapters of the Odyssey,there is so much emphasis on the father-son relationship. As a Burkhardt,I want to please and honor the man who gave me my name-sake. I love my father and would do anything for him. Even in the Iliad,  whenever a great warrior is mentioned,his father's name also appears in his 'title'. An example?  "_________,whose father __________ was a renowned slayer of men" Most often it seems that the child receives at least some form of honor from his father. Even Telemachus,when he visited Nestor and Menelaus, was immediately recognized as the son of Odysseus and received honor just for being the son of so great a man. So it makes you wonder,does the offspring of such a great man justify this pre-created honor passed down to him from his father? I would hope so! And Telemachus does. He is truly recognized as the son of Odysseus and many people admit to him that he has to be Odysseus' son,due to his 'god-like' looks and wisdom. ( I'll take some of what he had please...) So where does the true root of honor occur? From the son,or the father? I think about myself. I have no clue what my great-great-grandfather did for a living,or where he even lived. All I know is that he was Irish! (Which frankly makes him awesome in my book.) But you read The Iliad and The Odyssey and these mighty warriors are able to trace back their heritage several generations,some even to the gods themselves. Have we lost this sense of generational honor? Or has it simply faded from our list of important things in life? In the Iliad,it also adds to a character,it gives them a sense a background and doesn't make them seem as 'flat'. It provides a character with a little more substance and context,making them stand out from among the rest. Otherwise,the Iliad would turn from a true Epic to a boring hack-and-slash fest. My goal in my life is to bring true honor to my Heavenly Father. And if I can achieve that,then I've lived a full life. So this was just my take on the honor between a father and son. Hope you enjoyed it!


(P.S. I commented on Becca Sales' "Shield" post.)


The focus of book 22 is obviously the death of Hector. I found it humorous the way that Hector, knowing his death is eminent, flops back and forth between whether to die honorably or to not fight. Just as entertaining to me, his final decision to try to die with a little honor is a cop out that further lowers the honor of his death.

Hector first starts his questioning of fighting when he said that he would stand and fight, though Priam tried to talk him out of it, he insisted on staying. Later, Hector, in a little miniature conversation with himself, contemplates trying to take the easier way out and try and get a truce; change number one... He realizes halfway through this thought that he should fight; change number two... Eventually, Achilles reaches Hector and Hector takes off in a dead sprint to escape the fight, again changing his mind. His final change came when he stopped running, and took care of business even though he clearly realized his fate was sealed. 

Hector’s final offer to Achilles shouldn’t really have been that surprising based on his previous moves. It was great that Achilles turns him down. After flopping multiple times and then trying to weasel his way to an honorable death, Hector earned the death he received.

ps. I posted on Malory's...

The Age of Plastic Wrap

            As said in class today, history seems to have taken a downward slope. Whereas man used live in a time of demigods and epic journeys, decade long battles filled with the intimate art of hand to hand combat and the glory or shame that followed, today’s man seems to be but a shadow of himself.  The Odyssey is set towards the end of the Greeks “Golden Age”, and even within the epic itself, Homer notes the decline from the awe-inspiring demigods to the current warriors that occurred between three or four generations. The Ancient Greeks were a people of honor; it meant everything to them. In a world where swords and shield are just meant for museums and wall hangings, a world with a societal mindset of “everyman for himself”, what does that say about the modern man?   Forget the “Age of Tinfoil” that Dr. Mashburn joked at today; we live in an age of plastic wrap.



p.s- Commented on Rebekah Dye’s post “Penelope’s faithfulness”

Humanization and forgiveness.

I absolutely loved the discussion of Priam and Achilles today. One thing that has continued to amaze me in this story is the humanization of the characters. Typically, when we think of war we think of good vs. evil. The consistency in which the Iliad paints every character as a full and valuable human being amazes me. Even the struggle between Hector and Achilles there really isn't a good guy or a bad guy, there are just two guys fighting. 
Priam epitomizes this when he begs the mercy of Achilles. He calls Achilles to remember his own father, and to allow him to grieve Hector, his own dead son. This kind of reconciliation can only happen between two people who see each other as equals. It simply cannot happen when one group of people has mentally dehumanized the other. So much the worse, then, when they actually do kill each other. They understand fully that they are killing a sacred being. 
I like this. I think the Greeks are on to something about humanity.

Team Hector, or Team Achilles?

I feel like it is nearly impossible to go through The Iliad and not compare the two greatest heroes on each side, Hector and Achilles.  I have wondered throughout the epic which one I would rather have on my side.  Before I read this entire novel I thought that I would be all for team Hector.  This came from ignorance and the assumption that the movie Troy was truthful.  I thought that it was a truthful display of the character’s personalities and events.  However, I learned that I was completely mistaken when I began to read the Iliad.  Hector and Achilles are great men and fierce warriors, and they both have their flaws, but I feel like in the end I would rather have a man like Achilles on my side.

Originally I thought that Hector is a better family man and that Achilles doesn’t feel anything except for anger and rage.  However, there are so many different sides to Achilles.  For example, he knows how to play the lyre, he shows respect to those he feels deserves it, and genuinely cares about Briseis.  Achilles actually cries over the woman he loses to Agamemnon.  It is clear that the woman is more than just a spoil of war to Achilles, for in the novel it says “Willingly went not the woman along.  But alone then Achilles tearfully turned him aside, and aloof from his comrades he sat him down on the grey sea’s beach, far-viewing the limitless waters.”

I believe that Achilles is also more honorable than Hector is.  Achilles knows that he will die in the war and accepts his fate.  Hector on the other hand must be tricked into turning around and fighting Achilles in the end.  Hector also does not actually kill Patroclus.  It is only after the Achaean’s armor is loosened, his helmet is knocked off, and he is disoriented that Hector can finally defeat him.  Plus the fact that Achilles is the one who defeats Hector (even if it was fated to happen) makes him more desirable.  Everyone loves a winner, especially one that has such a well rounded character.  Achilles has his flaws of course, such as the fact that he is a very sore loser, and an equally sore winner.  However, can you really blame the guy considering the fact that he knows he is about to die?  All in all, I’m all for team Achilles!

Now I can’t wait to read the Odyssey and see the differences between Odysseus and Achilles.  I already have some ideas about their differences from my reading this week in honors philosophy, but I can’t wait to form my own opinion about the differences between these two heroes.  It is already very clear that Odysseus is very crafty and uses is brains before is brawn.  Achilles on the other hand is a lot more head on and confronts physical fights head on.  Achilles is smart, but he does not use his wit as much as Odysseus does.
p.s. I commented on jasmne’s “Hector’s Proposal”
-Susan Berner

The Shield

Book nine of the Iliad describes a conversation between Odysseus, Ajax, Phoenix, and Achilles.  As Odysseus and his companions attempt to persuade godlike Achilles to rejoin the battle, Achilles is faced with a choice to either rejoin the fighting and die young with honor and glory or return to his home, get married and live a long life full of tranquility. So while we were discussing the shield on Tuesday, I realized that in a way it represents Achilles choices.
The text states that on the shield was painted the cosmos, the heavens and the gods. Around the edges is the sea, and with in were two cities. One city is at war, and one is at peace. In the city at war, there were two forces of men decorated in their war gear. The fight was a property dispute over the citadel and what it held. This city was filled with hate, confusion and death. In the city at peace, however, the people were cheerful. They danced and celebrated weddings and festivals.
The choice to go home is like the city of peace, where as the choice to pursue glory and honor is like the city at war. This was the most pivotal choice in the book and so I believe that it was no mistake that Hephaestus decided to decorate his shield with the two cities. 

P.S. I commented on Rebekah Dye’s Penelope’s Faithfulness

Hector's Proposal

In Hectors death scene, he proposes an agrrement to Achilles. He says that if he dies he wants Achilles to take his body back to Troy and if Achilles dies Hector will do the same. I feel like Hector only proposs this because he knows he is going to die. He knows that Achilles knows the weak points in his armor, because it was origianally Achilles'. I don't think he really cared what happened to Achilles, and if he thought he had a chance he would have just fought. All Hector cared about was making sure he got all his glory and that he made it to the afterlife. If he didn't care about his pride, he would have retreated like his father wanted, but he wanted to protect his pride and die a hero to Troy. He knew he was going die, but he just didn't know when, he could have just chosen to die later. I feel like if he had one he would not honor his proposal and would have left Achilles' body or taken it hostage, if he didnt care about Petrokolas, then why would he carre about Achilles when he hated him even more. Hector may have wanted to sem honorable and heroic by making his proposal, but his real intentions were to make sure he got were he needed to be in the afterlife.

P.S. I commented on emilyLaforce a life for a life..

Penelope's Faithfulness

Just as Mallory mentioned in class today, one of my favorite things about The Odyssey so far is the picture of Penelope's faithfulness to Odysseus. I personally think that most people would've given up hope of their husbands return after just a year or two. Yet Penelope, even ten years later, is still believing that he'll come home to her. That takes great faithfulness; a faithfulness a lot of people wouldn't understand. That fact that most everyone around her is willing and wanting to let him go and move on, yet she clings to the hope that he's still alive is so touching. She is so dedicated to him she is even willing to be devious... ;)

P.s. I commented on Danielle's "An Iron Heart"

The quest for kleos

The first couple books of The Odyssey reveal the problem on the shores of Ithaca. I found it fascinating that although these books seem to simply be setting the stage, they are in fact introducing kleos. This search for glory is seen early on in The Odyssey in the character of Telemachus. He has a conversation with the goddess Athena and realizes that sitting back and letting the suitors ruin his father’s land is no longer an option. Basically Athena tells him to “man up” because it’s his land too: “You should not go on clinging to your childhood. You are no longer of an age to do that. Or have you not heard what glory was won…” (Book 1 lines 296-298)She even brings up the issue of glory, setting it as a goal before him. Then Telemachus starts his journey to find his father, which symbolizes the start of his journey of maturity.

After reading the last few books of the Iliad, I cannot get the importance of kleos out of my head. It was such an important part of their culture that kingdoms rose and fell on the tides of glory and honor. Hector surely achieved this longed-for glory as is evidenced by the vicious battles and and tension around his (dead) body. Did anyone else find it intriguing that after brutally killing Hector, Achilles graciously allowed Priam to take back the body (with some persuasion by the gods of course)? Not only did he let Priam have the body, he also told Priam it was okay to take twelve days off from the fighting to build a proper pyre and do the rites for death! Even though Achilles hated Hector, he still recognized his glory and honored him by allowing more than plenty of time for a proper funeral.

So where does this kleos begin? How does one gain this glory? In the time of the ancients it involved harrowing journeys and fierce battles… definitely not hiding behind mom’s apron in Ithaca. Telemachus realizes he will never achieve glory if he stays, and though people consider it a ridiculous undertaking he is determined to find his father. He goes into this journey with a mission- a vague mission lacking clear direction- and is confident that it will be worth it in the end.

Do we not do the same thing? In coming to college we set off on a journey… for kleos. No, we don’t call it that, but we are venturing out of our homes, into the wide world, determined to make something of ourselves or “die trying.” A quest to find out who we really are, not who our parents tell us we are, venturing away from the shadow of their achievement or success. We set out longing just to prove to our parents and the world that we can be something… something more than a high school title in our little hometown. We set out with a mission- maybe it isn’t really defined- but we know that being independent and seeking truth is the only way to find it. And so, the epic adventure begins. There’s a bit of kleos in us all, I think.
P.S. commented on Lauren's "No More Neverland"

An Iron Heart

Twice Priam is told, "The heart in you is iron." The first time by his wife, Hekabe, as she is pleading with him not to go before Achilles. The second time Achilles himself makes an identical statement to Priam. In the first instance one might see this phrase an assume it means that a persons heart is stubborn and hard; it does not necessarily seem like a compliment. Yet upon Priam's humbling himself before Achilles, this phrase seem less like an insult and more like a a statement of wonder. The reader sees Priam no longer as a weak man, but a man of courage revered by Achilles, the strongest of men. As we discussed in class today, it seems as if Homer is getting at the true definition of courage. It requires a little bit of stubbornness and determination, but even more it requires humility. This makes Priam a true hero, for instead of causing more strife through his courage he makes peace.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Outrunning Fate

When we are first introduced to Hector he is the first character we genuinely like. He is brave, he is strong, he has a family that loves him, he understands his fate, and he wants his son to be a better man than he will ever be.  What's not to like, right? Unfortunately, our favor for Hector falls when he comes to his defining moment.  The battle against Achilles.

He is the only Trojan left, and he doesn't want to retreat with the others since it was his idea to fight on and not retreat in the first place.  Then when Achilles comes, not only does he try to negotiate with him, but also he runs away when he realizes a negotiation is hopeless.  The brave Trojan soldier Hector runs away.  What exactly is Hector running away? While Achilles is the obvious answer, I personally think that Hector has just realized that he is going to die. Although he knows his fate, he tries to outrun it.  I think it goes to show that no matter how brave you are or how important you are or how much you want glory, when fate comes knocking that last shred of humanity in you will fight as hard as it can to keep you alive-- even if it means acting like a coward.

In the end, Hector has to be tricked into fighting Achilles because he thinks Deiphobus will be helping him.  I guess that serves as Hector's last straw in attempting to outrun his fate, by having someone help him kill Achilles.  However, that doesn't work either since Deiphobus isn't actually there, and Hector goes down pleading for his body to be brought back to Troy.  Do you think Hector should receive glory for his death? Instead of being brave and facing his fate he tried to run away, literally! Does that qualify as a glorious end? I'm not so sure that it does.

p.s. commented on Emily LaForce A Life for a Life

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Two Shields

The shield of Achilles is glorious— emblazoned with heaven and earth, war and peace, the gods and the Greeks— and more than a mere indestructible armament; it is "a world of gorgeous immortal work," the ideal Greek civilization carried into battle by its greatest hero (Iliad 483). It is not for Achilles to hide behind, but to advance, to go forth and conquer for the nation. The shield is Greece incarnate.

Virgil copies this imagery in Book VIII of The Aeneid. Before the battle of Latium, Vulcan (the same as Hephaestus) forges a shield for the Trojan hero Aeneas, the fate-bearer of his descendents, the Romans.
The workmanship of the shield, no words can tell its power. There is the story of Italy, Rome in all her triumphs. There the fire-god forged them... Caesar Augustus leading Italy into battle, the Senate and People too, the gods of hearth and home and the great gods themselves. (Aeneid 262-64)
Achilles and Aeneas— what do they carry? Not two shields, but two civilizations and their futures. Greece and Rome, democracy and republic, law and order, the West. That is what they carry.

EDIT: Commented on Molly Gray's "Age of Plastic Wrap."

Homer, Robert Fagles, and Bernard Knox. The Iliad. New York, NY: Penguin, 1998. Print.

 Virgil, and Robert Fagles. The Aeneid. New York: Viking, 2006. Print.