Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Automatic First Degree

The Automatic First Degree

         When we are first brought into this world, we are loved and nurtured by our parents, or at least that is how my life began. We are nestled in a safe cocoon of love and affection, with our parents trying to shield us from outside harm. They provide for us, and protect us. And because they do this, our first response is to love them. We show love by what they have done for us so far, which by our standards at the time, is pretty great. If we are raised as a Christian, one of the first things we notice is that we pray before each meal, and before we go to bed every night. Or, once again, that's how my life was. (Still is) But, we are taught to thank God for our food, families, and friends. Personally, one of the most distinct memories for me is praying before each meal and thanking God for providing for us. This went on for some time before I even questioned who this "God" was. This is the first degree of love, loving God because of what He has provided us with. I think this a healthy beginning for all Christians, this is the way I learned to pray, and to ultimately find out just who God was. From a young age, we are instilled with the desire and tradition of thanking God before meals, and it subtly begins to change our view of God. He becomes provider, our comfort, and our shelter. And we begin to thank Him, which in turn allows us to harbor feelings of love towards Him, which then progresses to the next degree of love and matures within us. This is the automatic first degree.

P.S. Also commented on Gary Hamner's post. 

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