Thursday, February 28, 2013

Honors Final Project Shakespeare Scenes

     I will be playing the part of Quince in Act III scene 1 of Midsummer Night's Dream. I looked into the history of his character in the context of the rest of the play, and it was interesting to learn that he was originally perhaps intended to be a parody of Shakespeare, or a Shakespeare wanna-be. All the players have other working backgrounds, making them simple working men (which explains much of their actions in the play). Quince was often thought of as a bookish character, who often struggles with Bottom for control, and who is very worried about the correct execution of the script he wrote. He can be played with a more authoritative air as well. It will be interesting to see how we will interpret this. 
     I also play the part of Verges, who will accompany Dogberry. I did not really know much about these characters, but with research I discovered that they are idiots. Though only in charge of the night watch, Dogberry has an enlarged sense of self and continuously botches everything he tries to do. Ultimately, they have some redemptive qualities, but in this scene they are basically just pompous dumb men. 
     I am one of the witches in Macbeth, and looking into this role I discovered that their origins are from ancient literature and folklore. Their roles are more like prophets, and originally they are referred to as the weird sisters. It will be interesting to experiment with the voices and attitudes of the witches in this scene. Over all, I am very excited to experiment with these very different parts. 

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