Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where is God?

     Today in class we disscussed where God is found, and I brought up the philisophical matter of whether or not God is found in every part of His creation. I believe, that God reveals pieces of himself through His creation; weather it be His creativity, His ingenious, or His sheer power. It is stated in the Bible that God is omnipitant; "One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" Ephesians 4:6. But does this mean that God Himslef is indded in evrerything? Or that He is infact, an inate part of every part of creation, or simply that His presence is within everything like a thumbprint left behind after He created it?  But to quote the great and powerful Mashburn, this is a question posed from "just an intro philosopher".

ps- I commented on Emily LaForce's post

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting question. Is God IN everything? I agree with the statement that he has left thumb prints. Its like a trail of bread crumbs. We see the things God does and we have knowledge that something greater than man must exist. To say that God is in everything is to say that the creation can contain the Creator. I believe that there are aspects of God in his creation, but as for God being IN everything, this i do not believe.
