Thursday, February 21, 2013

What does love for God look like?

Today in Honors there were some very serious questions proposed. They were extremely thought provoking and had my head spinning at times. The one that stuck out to me the most was the question of loving God, and why and how we do that.

Is it possible to love God? Although this seems like a silly question, one to which we would immediately say 'yes, of course' to, it can get a little deeper. In order to truly love, you must put aside yourself and think of others. As creatures of selfish nature, that is almost impossible to do. Especially in the case of loving Christ. How often do we only go to the Lord in bad times? The times when we need Him to do something big and miraculous for us?

If you go into a relationship thinking, 'what can I get from this person?' instead of, 'what can I GIVE to this person?' you have entered the relationship all wrong. It's not about getting anything from them, it's about giving back to them. Christ has already done the ultimate thing for us. We must now live everyday trying to give back. It should never be about getting things from Him, but we can do for Him now that He has DIED for us.

Can we reach that place? Can we get to the place where our love for God is completely selfless? Oh how much easier life would be, if we could.

I commented on Emily Laforce's blog, "Really Knowing"


  1. I think that, as humans, it is impossible to love anyone with a perfect love. After all, when you read in 1 Corinthians 13, love is patient, kind, not envious, not proud or arrogant, and innumerable other things. While we can love things in this world, including our love of God, I think our love can only be like a shadow of the real thing, which is the love that God extends to us.

  2. Tinsley, that is one of my favorite verses, it depicts the love of Christ and also the love we should strive to have. Rebekah it would be amazing to have that connection with God! But what we can do is live for that because in our eternal life, our love will be selfless because we won't be worried with the troubles of this human life! What a great day that will be.

  3. I've been thinking about this too! I wish we'd had more time to discuss this with our groups. It's so sad how quickly my love can turn to selfishness. With God, but with other people too. So many times I think my intentions are pure and they're really self seeking. it's such a beautiful thing to seek to love God unselfishly. To delight in Him and love him for Himself alone. I was so glad to be reminded of that today in class, and I loved what you had to say on the blog and in our discussion.
