Thursday, February 21, 2013

Really knowing

The cloud of knowing was really thought provoking for me because it made me question what was right and wrong. Should we sit alone and think about how sinful we are and let ourselves be overwhelmed with sorrow? What is the purpose of this? is it to help you realize how much you need God or is it something the writer feels you have to do to get closer to God? I suppose everyone needs to come to the end of themselves but should one really punish oneself like that? When I first read the cloud of unknowing I wondered if making yourself miserable about your sin was selfish because it was saying that you have to do something for God to accept and love you. However, I'm not exactly sure what to think but I guess that's Honor's for you. I thought it was interesting that you have to put away all your senses and outside distractions to focus on God. Its a lot like meditation, but on God instead of yourself or an object or emotion. I really enjoyed this reading because it made my head hurt cause I thought about it so much. Those are the things that really change you. (P.s. commented on jamie's)


  1. I completely agree with you that today was very Honors-esque. Confusing, and good for raising tough questions. I kind of have the same questions as you on this subject. But something I do think, is that we should indeed be ashamed of our sin and in a way it should make us miserable. However, it the shame shouldn't hold us back from coming to the Lord and knowing that He can save us despite that sin.

  2. I don't think that the author meant for us to think about how bad our sin is in the cloud of unknowing. We are supposed to think about God. On page 110 it says, "in this business you are to forget not only all other things than yourself (and their doings - and your own!) but to forget also yourself, and even the things you have done for the sake of God." Later on page 110, it continues, "You must loathe and tire of all that goes on in your mind and your will unless it is God." Our total focus in this cloud of unknowing should be on God.

  3. I think that, although we should recognize our sins, that by pondering our sins constantly we are in fact sinning. Meaning that, if all we do is sit around and think about how aweful we are, that we can't possibly be focusing on God or the people around us.

  4. This is a problem that as christians many people face, including myself. I always dwell on the sins that i commit everyday but God is a merciful God and he gives us grace and to enjoy God's creation and relationship is to remember that he came to die for our sins and that he wants repentance but not self-condemnation.

  5. I'd have to say that I agree with this for the most part. In the same way that God can use people who don't believe in Him to do good things, he blesses those same people despite the fact that they don't believe in him. The idea of God punishing people for not believing seems to go against the idea that God gives us our own free will too.

  6. Wow, I did not know this post would get so many comments but I guess we were all wondering the same thing. Thanks everyone!
