Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cloud of Unknowing

I thought that The Cloud of Unknowing reading was really interesting. Kind of weird and probably more applicable in theory than in reality but definitely interesting. The idea of loving God solely for who He is I can absolutely get on board with, but I don’t know if it’s possible for me to truly get out of my own experience or environment to get to that point that the author is talking about. I don’t know if anyone can truly get to this place where personal experience and relationship with Christ isn’t intertwined. And this whole idea of ridding the self of everything that is known in order to know anything is so strange, was kind of cool. It reminded me a little bit of Socrates’ concept of wisdom.  Socrates said that by admitting he knows nothing he is actually wiser than the men who think they know everything, or think that they are wise. It’s essentially the same idea that in surrendering everything we know we can reach a place of understanding with God. But with this I still don’t think it’s very realistic either. 

Commented on Emily's "really knowing"

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