Thursday, February 21, 2013

Knowing the Creator

“For the knowledge of the creation leads to the cognizance of the Creator, through the knowledge of the created. The more perfect becomes the knowledge of creation, the more perfect becomes the knowledge of the Creator” (Ibn Rushd On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy). This quote stuck out to me when I was reading for Tuesday. The idea that intimately knowing that which was created will lead to an intimate knowledge of the one who created. It makes perfect sense to me. When someone creates something in the contemporary sense of the word, they put a part of themselves into that work. When I write something, a part of me is transferred into that which I’ve written. It’s the same with creation. When you look at nature that has been untouched by human hands, you can see the creator’s, God’s, design. Until next time,
Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit,
Commented on Mallory’s post


  1. Our blog titles are both about the Creator. That's neat. But anyways,I am glad that someone else is so amazed by the art of God's hands. It's incredibly awesome to just sit and stare at His artwork and realize that the man who made that is so in love with you! To know our Creator on a personal level is by far the greatest thing ever. He has put himself into His work just as we put ourselves into our doings, just as you said. It amazes me.

  2. I'm sure everyone has heard me say this several times, but that is why I love science so much. Everyday, I get to see the majesty of nature, both in aesthetic beauty and in minute, detailed intricacy. I am humbled everyday by the world God has created. The One who invented science, math, language... he cares about me.
