Thursday, February 14, 2013

Learning New Things!

                I am very happy that we are learning some about the Islamic faith in this class.  In high school I had the opportunity to go to a Masque and observe the men doing their afternoon prayers and then speak to some spiritual leaders of the community.  One of the men there had memorized the entire Qur'an and was very knowledgeable about his religion.  It was really interesting to learn about another religion and to hear how the people believed their faith was similar to the Christian faith.  They tried to tell us that Jesus was only an important man like Moses or Abraham, and that their god is the same as our God.  It is obvious in our first reading that some of the messages of the two religions are the same.  For example, "Revelations of the Past" sounds a little bit like some of Moses' story when the Israelites were in the desert.  I love getting to learn about what other people believe; it reveals so much about people groups and what influences their actions. 

I commented on Dylan Copeland


  1. I have found all of this Islamic history pretty cool as well. I've never really studied a lot about Muhammad or especially the Qur'an so it's interesting for me to read about Muhammad. I like studying the differences and similarities that they believed there were in their religion and ours.

  2. I really enjoyed this too. We have talked a little but about the similarities and differences at church but never really about Muhammad's life. I also think its neat that he recognizes so many biblical people as being great! It is interesting to get to know the beliefs of the people around the world.

  3. I do not know a whole lot about the Muslim religion, but I have always been interested in learning. In fact, I have wanted to read the Qur'an on my own but I have not had the time to. I feel like it would be beneficial to every Christian to at least get a more in depth understanding of other religions, especially one so closely tied to Christianity.

  4. I definitely think it would be helpful for Christians witnessing to someone of any religion to know some about what they believe. How can you possibly point out the flaws in someone's beliefs if you don't even know what they believe?
