Thursday, February 14, 2013

Evil or Confused?

Going into this, I knew a little about Islam from prior study and the occasional Sunday school lesson on world religions. Today in class, however, I learned that I had several misconceptions about the religion in general.

For example, I always thought that Mohammad was just an evil (or possibly crazy) man who was looking to start a new movement for his own personal fame and fortune. While this really may be the case, I have no way of ever truly knowing his motives of course, today in class I found myself feeling really bad for him.  I had no idea that he originally thought he was aligning himself with Judaism and Christianity and didn't look to start a new religion. What if he just got confused and didn't understand?

Realizing several of the misconceptions I had about Islam, I started to think about the way many Christians often view people of other religions We all know that it is important to have a basic knowledge of other religions in order to further the Gospel, but we as Christians should go a step further to view to followers of those religions with compassion and love, not as if they are "evil."  While some may have selfish motives, some may just be "confused."

PS: Commented on Josh Goldman's "Good Band Name: Mohammad's Pajamas"

1 comment:

  1. "Evil or confused?" Both. Evil, "there is no one righteous," and confused because he got the wrong God.
