Thursday, February 14, 2013

God's children

The discussion of how to treat Christians and Jews in the Qur’an is so fascinating to me, especially when you think of the comparison Dr. Brekke made in class to how we say the Jews are unfulfilled.  When the revelation to Muhammad says, speaking to Christians and Jews, “People of the Book!  Do not transgress the bounds of truth in your religion,” Muhammad is stating that the bounds of truth  are the overlapping of truth within the Qur’an and the Bible.  His confusion at the trinity is understandable, but I think what truly bothers him is the relationship that Christians and Jews claim with God.  Muhammad thinks of it as god choosing people, therefore He would have to be unjust.  After all, how can a loving and fair God only choose specific people to save?  What Muhammad doesn’t realize, however, is that Christians, who are beloved by God, become that way because we follow and accept Him.  All people have the opportunity to be God’s children, but only some accept.

P.S.: Commented on Rebekah's "My Favorite difference."

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