Thursday, February 7, 2013

Legalism at its Finest

In this week's reading, one of the things we read over that I honestly found appalling were the laws that Charlemagne put in place to Christianize the Saxons. If ever there was a set of ideas that embraced legalism and altogether rejected grace, this had to be it. Obviously, I am in no place to judge his heart or his intentions in putting these in place. However, I think it is safe to say that the picture of Christianity we see in these laws is simply not even close to biblical.

The second law, starts with "If anyone has fled to a church for safety" and ends with "let him plead his case as best as he can and he shall be judged." Even worse, if you were to eat meat during Lent, you got the death sentence! I may be completely ignorant in saying all this because I guess these laws may have somehow led some people to Christ, but many if not most of them might as well be heresy.

Charlemagne clearly never understood the whole "no righteousness by the law" thing.

PS I commented on Rebekah's "Hastening towards heaven"

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