Thursday, February 14, 2013

Logical Levels of Heaven

As I was reading “Hadith of Muhammad’s Night Journey,” it really bothered me when the passage discussed the levels of Heaven. In what order could this possibly be? The first level was Adam followed by John the Baptist and Jesus in the second level. Joseph the dreamer was in the third level followed by Idris (who was thought to be Enoch), Aaron, Moses and finally Abraham. There does not seem to be any logical order for these men of God. If it was in order of importance then why would Aaron come after John the Baptist and Jesus? Why would Aaron have his own level of Heaven while Jesus and John had to share a level? Muhammad seems like he is almost belittling the impact that Jesus had on the Jews and Christians and putting more weight on the Old Testament, historical figures. Someone please explain to me!

PS. I commented on Jasmine's "Religious People in Muhammad's Eyes" 

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