Thursday, February 14, 2013


One thing popped into my mind while I was reading the Qur’an and from that one thing stemmed many other things. I thought about how eerily similar in many places the Bible and the Qur’an are. While the reason for this was discussed today in class, it made me think of something else. I thought about what would happen if I weren’t a devout Christian who didn’t believe that the Bible was the true and inspired word of God. If this was the case what would I be inclined to believe about both books and both religions? Which religion would I be more inclined to believe? If I was just a Christian in name, would I be easily swayed by the fact that the Qur’an is similar to the Bible and states that the Bible is not completely true?

These questions are not some that I can easily answer, especially not with any authority. What I can say with authority is that I can understand how so many people of other religions find the fighting between Muslims and Christians so strange. From the outside it looks like Christianity and Islam are both factions of the same religion. Perhaps this is what makes so many people uninterested in listening to Christians, and Muslims, about religion.

I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of their Valentine’s Day and a fantastic rest of the week!

Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit,

~Meghan Johnston

P.S. I commented on Gary’s post “Messiah”

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a great question Meghan. Some are more intrigued by different aspects of religion. Some are more charismatic in their root belief, and are attracted by the various Psalms and praises the Scriptures offer. On the other hand, it is obvious that others are more inclined the historicity and validity of the text, what we would call innerancy. Personally for me, it is prophecy. I would not be wavered to far by one who claims that the Old Testament contradicts itself, (that is a cultural issue) and there are many who study and refute those claims. For me, it would take a claim against the prophets.

    Deuteronomy states, "when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him."

    This being said, I certainly believe that the prophets of our Cannon of scripture speaks solid truth. The question you brought up is a critical one, and I appreciate you bringing it forward.
