Thursday, February 14, 2013

More to the Story?

While reading "Hadith of Muhammad's 'Night Journey'" there was something that struck me as fairly odd. If Muhammad always stressed the importance of not worshiping any gods before God then why did Muhammad make no description of God during his journey. We know that he must have seen and at least talked to God because he says that he saw the "Throne Room of God Almighty" and at the end he hears a voice that tells him "I have passed My command and have lessened the burden of My worshipers" which we can assume is the voice of God.  The only time he ever really mentions God directly is when he talks about going back to ask for a reduction in prayers per Moses advice. Muhammad makes a point to talk about all the prophets he got to see and what they said to them.  He also describes the angels, but he fails to describe what it felt like to be in the presence of God and what God must have said to him when Muhammad arrived to "the farthest boundary, beyond which no created thing, whether living or resurrection, whether human or angelic, may pass." I understand that God can sometimes be completely indescribable, but if I ever got the chance to visit Heaven I believe the part that would be the most memorable to me would be being able to stand face to face and actually have a conversation with the creator of the universe! It makes me wonder that while this may not be true if there is another version of the story or more to it that Muhammad talks about meeting God.

p.s. commented on Molly Gray's Contradictions

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