Thursday, April 11, 2013

Worship Euphoria

Worship Euphoria

Today as we discussed the different types of worship in honors today,and as we listened to both types of worship,I was struck by a thought: Worship can be dangerous to one's soul.  I realized why a person would prefer a simple type of worship over a complex hymn sung in multiple parts. As I listened,I started to become lost in the beauty of it, and focused less and less on the words and meaning behind them. This can be dangerous because if one loses focus on truly worshiping, they begin to either glorify themselves (enjoying the sound of your voice) or they begin to praise the performer, not The Creator. The music played was beautiful,it truly was. But too much of a good thing can be harmful. Now, do not misunderstand me. I believe you can worship in all that you do, all types of music, and even without music. Music does bring people together though, and there is nothing like the sound of devoted Christians lifting a song of praise to their Creator. So yes, we should enjoy beautiful music, but we should never let ourselves be overtaken by the beauty of it. I believe that you must find a form of worship that you truly can worship through. For some, hymns and psalms allow them to truly embrace worship. For others, a contemporary worship service accomplishes the same effect. To each his own,as they say.

P.S. commented here

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