Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No Lesser Values of Scripture

In the reading for today, there were lots of times when Luther referred to Scriptures he believed were more or less significant then others. He liked to say things such as, Jesus' works and words were less important than say, Peter and Paul's...and other such things. I had some interesting feelings on this.
I cannot really fathom the idea of a certain Scripture being more or less important then another. And I think to put more value on a certain Scripture is a horrible mistake. The Bible specifically says, "All Scripture is inspired by God". Therefore, it is all worth His mentioning. :) I go back and forth on how I feel about Luther... I think he had a few sort of twisted perspectives.

I commented on Jannah Lyon's, "Predestination" blog.


  1. I think there is definitely a danger in this, for this is how bad theology is created--by glossing over things we deem as 'not as important.' Though I don't think that this was Luther's goal, I understand the danger in viewing scripture through this lens.

  2. I completely agree with you Rebekah! I understand that everyone has their verse or verses in the bible that they really relate to or that helps them in times of trouble. However, just because one verse can appeal to you more than another does not make it more important in relation to the whole Bible. All Scripture is truth and like you said is inspired by God so why Luther thinks he has the right to categorize Scripture I'm not sure.

  3. I agree. It is important that we look at scripture as a whole as completely true. If all scripture is totally and completely true, that means there is no falsehood in them. Therefore one part cannot be "more true" than another.

  4. I agree that it is not right to claim that some parts of scripture are better, or more true than others. However, doesn't every person have their favorite parts of the Bible? What sections of the Bible speak to me will not be the same as what another person will find the most help in. I feel like maybe Luther is trying to tell people that the parts of the Bible he feels are most important, should be the most important to everyone. This is not how it should be. All of the Bible is equally important, and each person is free decide which parts speak the most to them.
