Well I wasn’t
in class today, but I heard that we talked about Calvinism. So I did a little
research on that topic for my blog. By definition, Calvinism is “the Protestant theological system of John Calvin, which
emphasizes the irresistibility of grace and the doctrine of predestination.” A
branch of Western Christianity, Calvinism was founded sometime in the 1500s by
John Calvin. There are five points to Calvinism: total depravity, unconditional
election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the
saints. Each point means something specific. Calvinists believe in
predestination. In other words, they believe that God pre-picked certain people
to go to Heaven and to be a believer.
I commented on Jasmines.
I commented on Jasmines.
There's a great book on the TULIP called The Five Points of Calvinism by the Southern Presbyterian R.L. Dabney. It's great for anyone who wants to understand what Calvinists actually believe (as opposed to the gross caricatures) and why they believe it.