Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oooo... Shiny...

I do not have ADD, and I love art and music, but I have to admit the sensory overload of music and artwork in the catholic churches we talked about this morning would be too much for me.  With so much to take in, I don't think that I personally could focus on worship.
In this aspect, I think Calvin had a valid point. Take it all down and leave no distractions.  Make the worship an actual corporate worship experience focused on God and his Word instead of a concert focused on beauty and performers.

Commented on Rebekah's "No Lesser Values of Scripture"


  1. I think that the Catholic argument for this would be that the music and shine aren't there for the "experience," but are instead there as a form of worship themselves. After all, God is a God of greatness, of beauty, of magnanimity, and we were made to act in His image. Doesn't He deserve the absolute best and grandest that we have?

  2. I agree Jamie, it was also an overload of the senses,and I found myself a bit lost. This extravagance was also most likely a ploy to gain more believers in the Catholic faith,or at least that is what I think. Call me a conspiracy theorist.

  3. I don't totally agree with you, yet I do not totally disagree with you either. I thin kthat their should be a good balance. people need something to get their attention and bring them in, yet still be focused on the glory of God.

  4. I agree with Jasmine that a balance is definitely necessary. I feel like the intricate design and elaborate music of the Catholic churches might be too much. On the other hand, the simplicity of the Calvinist churches may also be a little extreme. Thee has to be a happy medium.
