Thursday, April 11, 2013

Calvin and Dante

I know that I do not know or fully understand everything both Dante and Calvin believe, but I think they are very interesting and seem to contrast. I think it is interesting that for Dante, we choose our own Hell. Our sin turns into our own punishment, and that there is justice in that. For Calvin, God is the dispenser of justice, and it seems to have nothing to do with our own choice. On this ground I don't fully agree with Calvin. I think in a way it is a bit of a double standard, for it is all God who saves us, but it is also all God and all man that causes damnation. For each sinner had one sin that dominated his life and consumed him not with God. I think that is more realistic than saying passive man had no part in his ultimate destination.
I don't know, not to start a theological debate. Just some thoughts.

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