Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Tough Pill

I think Christians in our day can all agree that Calvinism and the doctrine of predestination are quite the tough pill to swallow. As for myself, I am not quite sure that I believe one side or the other of the debate is completely true. However, there are certain doctrinal ideas in Calvinism that I definitely agree with. We claim that it would be unjust of God to create people with the foreknowledge that they would go to Hell after dying. Now please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that I agree with Calvin on this point, but this particular example helps to talk about a certain concept. This concept is the fact that God is just in whatever He does. This is a scriptural fact. He is perfection, thus having a wholly perfect will. Still, I have no idea whether or not God creates people simply to send them to Hell. The point is, that if He did, how could we possibly stand to judge His action from our incredibly limited standard? How can the pot question the potter?

An interesting thing I heard from a friend of mine this summer was this, that God has a righteous duty unto Himself, to glorify Himself. This blew my mind, yet it is so true. God, being utter perfection, is the highest possible good that exists. If He were to allow us to pursue any other objective in life but Him, it would really be a disservice to us. I am nowhere near smart or biblically literate enough to understand Calvinism or Arminianism very well, but like I said, whether we like it or not, God is infinitely above and beyond reproach. He is perfection and what He does He does perfectly.

P.S. I commented on Susan Berner's "Calvinism"

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