Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Medium

I recently started studying the idea of predestination on my own. I asked myself many of the same questions Dr. Brekke brought up in class today that opposed Calvinism, and I struggled with the answers I got. God is a just God, so why would he choose people to be damned to Hell for all eternity while other people are chosen to live life abundant in Heaven. Christ died for the sins of all not only the elect. I can see that Calvin is coming from the point of view that faith is appointed to mankind and we can’t rely on self to be our own “co-savior,” but I believe he may have explored the polar opposite option which is that of predestination and no free will.

I commented on Jamie’s


  1. I pretty much have the same basic veiwpoint as you. I think that Calvin disregaurded a lot of scripture that refutes his ideas on the elect and being predestined.

  2. I agree that the calvinist ideas that God has already predestined humans to their ultimate fate was a good idea but i asked why would God who is a loving God just give up on someone and sentenced them to hell while he loved others and selected them for his glory.
