Thursday, March 14, 2013

Well isn't that just lovely...

Today we discussed how Dante's Inferno suggests that Hell was created out of Primal Love. While I am not entirely certain of my research, I do want to present my findings in the form of a theory. So feel free to offer differing theories!

The first thing to consider is the definition of Primal Love. Since there are various forms of love (especially in the older languages of the Bible) it is important to know how Primal Love is different. It is a very basic form of love that exists among everything in existence. This means that it is apparent to everything in existence because it is constantly being exercised. When the Bible discusses that God is apparent through nature, this is what it is referring to. Primal Love is essentially the foundation of all kinds of love because it states that since God is love, then love exists in the things that he has created. The world was created for a specific purpose through this love, and when this purpose is not achieved, then the very foundation of all forms of love is non-existent. As a result, Primal Love is essential to life as we know it because it helps to define our purpose for existence.

In order to understand how Primal Love produced Hell, we must look to Satan's fall from heaven. Satan was considered to be a "high-class" angel in heaven, but his selfishness drove him to the point of rebellion against God. Instead of simply destroying Satan and the angels who followed him, God chose to create a place for him to dwell in his miserable state of existence (the destruction comes later! aka: Revelation). Hell was created for this reason alone, but when humans chose to follow in Satan's footsteps (meaning, they chose selfishness over God) they had to be punished accordingly. For those who choose to say "yes" to God, they are able to exist with Him for eternity in heaven. For those who choose to say "no" to God, the punishment is that they are given what they truly desire: to be separated from God for eternity in Hell.

Therefore, Primal Love is the proof of God's existence through His creation. If you are not able to see this love, deny yourself, and seek after God with all of your heart, then you are practicing selfish behavior. At the core of all sin lies a seed of selfish intention that seeks to corrupt what is ultimately good and true. God never intended for us to live on our own, and He still desires to be everything that we need in life (since He is love and everything good comes from Him.) So...out of Primal Love, Hell was born.

Ready. Set. Debate!

P.S. I commented on Mallory Searcy's "Aquinas"

1 comment:

  1. I really like this view. I was thinking about it in class. He'll exists because of God, but if we choose to follow him we are rewarded with eternal life in heaven and those who deny him must go somewhere. Hell. When most people think of hell it is about fire and all that but he'll is really just a place like you said to be completely separated from god for eternity.
