Thursday, March 14, 2013

How does Love create Hell?

     In class today, Dr. Abernathy told us to remember the question, "How does love create Hell?" It seemed boggling to me at first. How can I, as a Christian who says my God is a loving, how can He create through love such a terrible loveless place as Hell? How is it possible?
     First we have to examine the text. How does Dante say it was created exactly? In Cantos III, lines 4-6 it says this, "Justice Moved My Maker On High. Divine Power Made Me. Wisdom Supreme, and Primal Love".  Primal, means first or original, so through God's first love, Hell was created.  It hit me at this point.  God's first love isn't us! (Shocking right?) God's first love is Himself. If that is true, God has to love and respect every aspect of Himself. True love protects, honors, is steadfast. He loves Justice, Wisdom, Love and hates everything that opposes this.
     This is what Satan and the fallen angels did. They opposed God and committed sin against the Most High, Satan loved himself more than God. He honored himself more than God, and sinned. Sin is the opposite of God and His nature. Sin cannot exist where God dwells, so God had to create a place for Sin that was apart from Him. He being moved by Justice, with Divine Power and Supreme Wisdom, created Hell through Primal Love.
    This being said, Hell was never intended for humans, but as a punishment for those who opposed God. When Creation fell, mankind now was doomed to eternity apart from Him. But through His great love, grace and mercy... He came down as Christ, god incarnate, and took our place. Through love He made a way for all to be saved. Sadly, many people die in their sin, which can never enter the presence of Christ. Then they die a double death, physical and spiritual. All hope is lost.
   One thing we must understand is that God is ultimate, and above all must glorify and love Himself. We are not the end, we are not what God worships. What kind of God could worship His creation? He out of Perfect Justice and Love had to create a place to keep sin, that which is anything and everything against Him. This is how through love Hell was created, and it will be eternal just as God is eternal, to forever separate Perfection and Imperfection.

P.S. commented on Hannah Burch's post


  1. Jannah, I came to this same conclusion after contemplating what we discussed in class today, but I love how clearly you explained it. I think we, as self-centered humans, often forget that God's first love isn't us. Especially those of us who have grown up in the south hearing how much God loves us preached every Sunday. It shows how perfect His love is that He is so Holy that He had to make a place apart from Himself for those who opposed Him. Good word!

  2. So true, for if the unholy were allowed to be in the presence of God, it would be more harmful to the sinner witnessing God. Maybe that sounds weird, but to me this shows grace. Very great conclusion!
