Thursday, March 14, 2013

Abraham's Bosom vs Limbo

     Let me start off by saying that I have absolutely loved the Inferno so far and I think I will continue to to enjoy it. In class today as we were talking about Limbo, Abraham's Bosom came up and I started to think of the similarities and differences between them. In Dante's Limbo you have everybody who lived a moral life but didn't get baptised and if they were alive before the time of Jesus then they must not have worshiped God in the right way. Abraham's Bosom as presented in the bible, is a place where the believers of God in the old testament go when they die and then are raised to heaven when Jesus dies on the cross. Other than the difference of the moral unbelievers in Limbo it seems as though that Abraham's Bosom and Limbo are exactly the same and I just thought the connection between these two was very interesting.    

PS: I commented on Rebekah's post "Oh Dante"

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