Thursday, March 14, 2013

Honor's Papers: Abandon Hope, all Ye who enter here ;)

Reading the Inferno is incredible.  I really love seeing the coronations with the ancient Greek and Roman epics, particularly in the details we read from last semester.  I mentioned this briefly in class today, but it's funny how attached I get to characters in books, even within the ancient epics, and seeing these characters in Hell is pretty disturbing.  I know it's only going to get darker from here, but while it is very frightening and sad, it's amazing as well.  The creativity and detail of Dante amazes me, and the depth of his work is incredible.  I can't wait to continue reading, and make the correlations to the ancient works, and to the characters!!

P.S. If you can't tell by my title, this Honor's paper is going to be... interesting ;) can't wait for tomorrow night!!  Commented on Mallory's "Aquinas."


  1. Girl, I am so with you on the whole, getting attached to characters thing. When I read a good book, I jump ALL in and I love it! But there is always the fear of a favorite being killed off, or making a horrible decision. Books, what would we do without the emotion trauma??? :)

  2. Dante is probably my favorite thing we've read so far this semester. I won't say it's going to be my favorite thing of the entire semester since we're reading Shakespeare and I just kinda love Shakespeare a little! I love Dante's descriptions, they make me happy in a morbid kind of way. They are so detailed and they make everything incredibly vivid so that I can understand everything I'm reading!

  3. I like reading Dante in the way that through every level of hell he goes through there is something that has a human quality to them. I do not read that often but when i do read i tend to get attached to those characters that no one particularly like because i refuse to accept that there is not something good in them. But i like the journey Dante the pilgrim takes through hell and i think this will be a good read.

  4. I tend to enjoy literature that is a bit darker (as long as it isn't incredibly frightening). I wouldn't go as far as to say that reading about hell is making me happy, but the suspense is part of what makes a good story good! You have to get attached to the characters!
