Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paolo and Francesca

I found the story of Paolo and Francesca very interesting for a few reasons. I found it interesting that the two lovers were to be stuck in hell together for all of eternity. 'Wouldn't it be more painful for them to be separated?' was my initial thought. Looking into the text, though, one sees that only Francesca does the talking. She does evoke pity, laying the blame at the feet of others'. Paolo's perspective is never given--in fact, it seems as if part of his punishment is his silence. Then I realized the distinction between love and lust. They were not in love, but they acted on the whim of lust. Here it seems like the 'what is the punishment's relation to the sin' question comes into play. Since this couple acted out of lust, unthinking, most likely not thinking in a permanent, lasting effect, they are made to suffer together for eternity. They are unable to escape one another, can must be left with their past sins only to tell. Though the notion of lovers ending up in hell together seems romantic, it is anything but that.

I commented on Jannah's

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