Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dante Dante Dante Dante Dante. Dante.

Like Rebekah, I have never read anything about Dante before. I wasn’t in class today, so I missed the discussion. But from my reading, I have found Dante’s Inferno to be pretty interesting and familiar. As I continued to read, it seemed that at many times there was some sort of bad thing/person/etc. to trouble Dante (especially in the beginning).  Of course these things frightened him, like it would with most of us. I then started comparing Dante to myself. Like Dante, sometimes I get afraid by unexpected things in my life. We all do, right? It’s normal, but the more I think about it, I ask myself why? Why do we get so scared or worried about things? When Virgil first showed up, Dante was scared.  To me, Virgil represents one of those troublesome, unexpected things in life. But then Virgil turned out to be good and helpful. I know this has nothing to do with the story, but it’s relative to life. Because sometimes things come in our life that scare us at first, but then they turn out to be helpful and are something that we may need. J

I commented on Rebekah’s “Oh Dante..”

1 comment:

  1. Actually, its a great thing that you noticed Dante gets scared easily! It will be important later on in the reading(So Dr. Abernathy said in class today). Keep in mind we are reading an Epic, and usually Epic's main characters are well...Epic. They aren't suppose to be scared, but Dante is. This will important. Dr. Abernathy said watch out for Dante's character developement through the story. I've noticed that by the time we reach Cantos X, Dante starts boldly confronting the souls for their sins. There is one soul which is stuck in the river Styx, that he commands back into the mud! He is becoming braver!
