Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dante's Hell.

I really like the way Dante portrays hell. While readin I almost invision the underworld in Hercules with all the different demons and the river Styx. When he's going through these different layers of hell it is not all hot and fiery, but the punishment is fit to the sin. Like with the philosophers they are in constant discussion knowing they will never find the truth, which for them is worse than burnin in hell. The characters in each layer are also interesting... And where is Aneas? It's kind of funny that we have not come across him, and Virgil is Dante's your guide. Anyways Dante's version of hell is much cooler than the version that I have always pictured...get it cooler like as in not on fire... Ha. Ha. Ha.

Ps I commented on Tyler cofeilds


  1. This was my exact reaction when reading Dante's Inferno. It was so cool to see all the different layers and to see how the punishment fit the sin. I also loved how all the poets were all together! Oh and I get your joke too! haha

  2. I agree... I have always seen Hell as either a giant fire ball, or just like how you described the underworld from Hercules. It was great seeing Hell from a different view, and it was interesting to picture it as a city!
