Thursday, January 31, 2013

Philosophy Leads to Happiness

Philosophy Leads to Happiness

I have always veiwed philosophy as something to learn, something to study. I have never thought of it as a comfort much..just another subject to discuss with peers. After reading Boethius however, I have realized that Philosophy also acts as a comfort, and can aid in the goal to become happy. I mean,what human has no desire to be happy? All of us, have some degree of desire to become happy. I know for me personally, this rings true. In book 3,Prose 1,Philosophy promises to lead Boethius to true happiness. The question arises of what is true happiness,but we will save that for a later date.
"When her song was finished, its sweetness left me wondering and alert,eager to hear more. After a while I said, 'You are the perfect comforter for weak spirits. I feel greatly refreshed by the strenght of your ideas and the sweetness of your music;in fact, I think I may now be equal to the attacks of Fortune...."

Boethius states that he is just as satisfied with Philosophy as he is Fortune. He sought after fortune to gain happiness, but was left in the dust, ill and depressed. We seek to gain happiness through fortune conistently, but perhaps we've been going after happiness in the wrong sense. Boethius continues to seek and look forward to Philosophy,seeking to be happy. To each his own,as they say.

-Brian Burkhardt

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we follow our flesh and seek after happiness in the wrong sense, just as you said. Fortune is not necessarily bad, it depends on how we use it. But if we do try to find our happiness in it, then that's when everything goes wrong. I know I've been guilty of searching for happiness in all of the wrong places. Good article.
