Thursday, January 31, 2013

Emotion vs. Reason

Of course I would want to talk about emotions because I'm a girl, but before you let that stereotype blind you to what I have to say, I must pose this question - Can we truly control our emotions? Have you ever tried to not let yourself get angry about something terrible that happened and then your anger burst like a dam later when you weren't expecting it? Obviously this has happened to me before. Both God and Lady Fortune call us to not be ruled by our passions, but this doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't feel anything at all. We were created in the image of God, and God has emotions. He's able to get sad, angry, joyful, and many other things besides, but his emotions are devoid of sin because he is good. In Ephesians 4:26, it says "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." So God wants us to feel what we feel so that we can work through it. Once the mind understands what's going on with the heart, its easier to control what you're feeling. I'm dissatisfied with this blot post because there is so much more I could write on this topic and so many questions that need answers, but this shall have to do for now... Commented on jannah's post

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with you more about emotions. I feel like there are various situations in life that we are faced with that have emotions that are inescapable. However, I also feel like controlling emotions does not mean not feeling. It simply means you shouldn't let your emotions take control of you to where you are incapable of controlling your actions. If we were to let our emotions completely take over our actions reason can be lost and sin can occur.
