Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Above the stars

I'm excited for class tomorrow and the discussion on Boethius. If you didn't read... DO IT. It's a fairly easy read and it's so interesting because the question of the work (so far) is where and how in the world to find true happiness. Man's main desire being the pursuit of happiness has not changed much since this was written! One of my favorite parts in the first half is on page 56:
But when it comes to the location of the good which they desire, they are blind and ignorant. They dig the earth in search of the good which soars above star-filled heavens. What can I say to show what fools they are? Let them pursue their riches and honors and, when they have painfully accumulated their false gods, then they may come to recognize the true.
We see this all over the place in our culture today... and the sad truth is that for many it takes a long time and journey through avarice and pride before they are broken and realize that Good is above. Good is only in God and apart from Him there is no good thing. I'm seeing this more and more in my own life- how temporary pleasures always fail but only He is true forever. However, learning such things also imparts the responsibility to return to the cave and lead others out. We must help them look up at the Creator of the billions of sparkling stars instead of their fruitless searching in the dark through the dirt for a spec of glitter that will never fully satisfy.
Commented on Danielle's "We must become gods.."

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