Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thank you Jimmy Neutron. Now on to more pressing matters! The human brain is one of the most interesting creations by God. It must have been fashioned in the image of its maker, since our Maker tells us that we were made in His image. This is clearly seen through the personifications of God in the Old Testament. We experience emotion just as God is Love and Joy. Jesus wept, so I would assume that mourning is understandable in some circumstances. He even retains the right to exercise a perfect and just Wrath upon the earth (as described in Revelation.) God is also Wisdom, and from His wisdom comes knowledge and understanding (Hello to you philosophical Proverb!) My point is that (seeing how we have been made in the image of our Maker) logic, reason, and philosophical thought derived from God; therefore, it is completely natural that we tend to think that way. In the New Testament, Jesus told countless parables that forced people to think and meditate on the words He spoke, while Paul used a type of circular reasoning to convince people that the Word of God was the ultimate truth. This is perfect execution of philosophical thought, since it leaves no reason for denying Christ. This is a great segway into Augustine's stream of philosophical thought! Although it appears as a jumbled mess of...(well I don't know what you'd call it)...the truth is that is not completely true. Augustine and Boethius are simply trying to understand everything about God that is humanly possible. Shouldn't we all strive to do just that?? It's a different form of seeking God and "getting a handle on life." As long as you do not become consumed by the knowledge that you obtain, honoring God with the mind that He gave you is an essential part of life!

I commented on Cody's "Babies are Evil, Despicable Creatures"

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