Thursday, January 31, 2013

Glass Walls and Ivory Decoration

                Even though we didn't talk about it much in class today, I saw a lot relating to the Christian religion in Boethius.  One part precisely is after Boethius has listed all of his troubles to Philosophy.  She answers him by saying ". . . I am not so much disturbed by this prison as by your attitude.  I do not need your library with its glass walls and ivory decoration, but I do need my place in your mind."  How similar is this to the Holy Spirit having a home in our hearts?  While we may do many good deeds and appear to be righteous on the outside, it is our attitude and they things that go on in our mind that God is concerned about. 
                Philosophy (if you look at it from Christian standpoint) that everything is in God's control, and we need not worry.  "You believe that the world is not subject to the accidents of chance, but to divine reason.  Therefore, you have nothing to fear.  From this tiny spark, the living fire can be rekindled.  But the time has not yet come for stronger remedies."  God is in control of everything so we need not worry, just has Boethius should not be concerned with his worldly prison, but focus more on the prison of pleasures that his mind is trapped in.  That is the prison every person needs to be weary of. 


I commented on Mallory Searcy! :) 


  1. I am the type of person who doesn't let things bring me down. I believe that we have no reason to do that anyway. As followers of Christ we say we believe that there is something much bigger than us. I think we should live that out.

  2. That really is one of the most encouraging things we can hear as Christians, that God is sovereign and always at work. Even when we go through hard times in life and face persecution, whether we see it immediately or not, God makes all things work ultimately for good. I also agree with how you described a"prison of pleasures." It's not very often that we'll consider things like this, but we ought to. Pleasure can become a huge idol in so many different ways if we let it.
