Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lady Philosophy

When discussing Boethius in class today, our discussion really reinforced the true meaning of philosophy.  After all, especially when studying Plato last semester, the circular reasoning with no conclusion began to get a little old.  However, Lady Philosophy in Boethius shows the true meaning of Philosophy:  Making one think.  There may not necessarily be a clear answer, but the amount of work, time, and thought that one uses in discovering the answer makes it worth it.  Philosophy is the art of thinking, the art of understanding your own mindset, not the art of discovering answers.  Like we said in class today, sometimes the person is in your mind, the way that you think.  Philosophy teaches one how to think, how to ask, how to investigate answers. 

P.S. Commented on Mallory's post "Lord Thou Pluck me Out." 


  1. And this is completely true. While the circular questions and answers may get tiresome, especially when we seem to harp on one thing for hours, it pays off in the end. By the time we have finished, we are forced to look at the other person's perspective and grudgingly agree that perhaps there is some merit in what the other person is saying.

  2. I do agree with your point, Tinsley. Philosophy does teach one how to think, ask and investigate questions. I also agree with Meghan that it teaches us how to listen to others as well. It also teaches how to better guard truths, and teaches us to think logically about things. Philosophy helps to keep us on guard from sophists, and keeps us from buying into hallow words, or sweet poison.
