Thursday, April 18, 2013


     Julius Caesar was the first Shakespeare play I have read and it was very interesting. The whole aspect of Brutus being more devoted to his country than his friend is something that grabbed my interest instantly. I imagine that is the case because I am going to be serving our country in not to long, I consider myself to be a very patriotic person so I can relate to Brutus really easily and if I was put in the same position as Brutus I probably would have done the same thing. I believe it takes a very dedicated person to do what Brutus did, but I don't think that means he didn't love Caesar as a friend, it just means that he loved his country, and even more the ideals that his country was based upon.  


  1. Haha, interesting is a very good way to put it! I would have to agree. Also, that must be very exciting to be going into the service. A lot of respect goes out to you!

  2. First, I just want to say Thank you for your service and commitment to our country, I deeply respect you! Also, I agree with what you are saying here! This was my first time reading Julius Caesar, and I must say, even before class discussion I was on Brutus' side. He was a true Roman and had deep bravery standing up for a country he once knew and love, he wished for that country to remain and for future generations to know true freedom.

  3. This is awesome! It's nice to hear that from someone that is able to relate with Brutus in a different way than most people can. It's almost impossible to call him the "bad guy" since he was fighting for the good of Rome, but he pretty much murdered someone (an important someone at that!)
