Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Can you say controlling???

The relationship between Odysseus and Kalypso is a little weird to say the least.

At the beginning of book 5, we find Odysseus crying his eyes out on Kalypso's island and her just chilling out like nothing's wrong. What is the backstory behind this?

First off, Kalypso does a good deed and rescues Odysseus from drowning. However, she then makes Odysseus into her sex slave and doesn't let him go home. She keeps trying to prevent him from going home by offering to make him into a god so that he can be like her.

If you really loved someone, wouldn't you want to try to make them feel better? 

Does Kalypso? No. 

In a sense, she does love him, but obviously she doesn't love him enough because she won't let him do what he wants to do and only cares about what she wants.

How many people do we know that say they love someone but won't let them do what they want? Yes, these kind of people are controlling and are a big pain in the butt to say the least.

We all know what happens in the end of the story. Hermes tells Kalypso to let Odysseus go, which she does grudgingly.

What's the lesson here? That whenever you try to control something and hold onto it too tightly, you will lose it.

The moral of the story? Don't act like Kalypso! Don't be controlling.

p.s. commented on rebekah dye (penelope's faithfulness)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you, you have to look at the actual meaning of love to understand that there was no way that Kalypso actually loved Odysseus. After all, true love is about giving up what you want, about sacrifice, not about pacifying the other person while getting what you want out of them. And I really liked it when you said that when you try to control something and hold on too tightly, you'll lose it, that's very cool, and sad too...

  3. I don't think that Kalypso loved Odysseus at all. Like Tinsley said, true love is about sacrifice and doing everything in your power to do what is best for the one you love; Kalypso acts more like a five year old girl with her favorite doll instead of a woman in love. But I did like what you said about holding on too tightly to things.

  4. thanks everyone! i appreciate your comments, especially about love which was very insightful. stay brilliant! :)
