Thursday, September 13, 2012

Odysseus, Why?

May I just start off by saying I have really enjoyed reading this book? Good.

     So I have constantly found myself saying, "Odysseus, Why?" Why does Odysseus do the things he does?  For honor, family, exploration, curiosity, wanting to know the unknown?  In my opinion Odysseus is a man who craves knowledge, which is one reason Athena is his patron goddess.  Yet, through this exploration for knowledge comes at a high price.  
    Some examples of this is his deadly encounter with the Cyclops and the Sirens. One thing I kept asking when reading about his gruesome captivity by the Cyclops, was "Why would you even stay there?" Maybe it was because he expected to be treated well, but I feel that it was because he wanted to be able to say "I know what  and who the Cyclops is, I have been to where he dwells".  Also I want to ask, "Why did he have to hear the Siren's song?"  Couldn't he have just plugged his own ears? Why did he need to listen, he wanted to be able to say "I have heard what the Sirens song is, I know what they sound like, I survived".  Maybe the truth of matter, his quest for knowledge, is really a quest for bragging rights! 

 All I can say, is that I have learned from this book that sometime curiosity kills the crewman. Also on a side not I have learned not to take such huge risks, sometimes being cautious is the way to survive. 

P.S. commented on Danielle's post

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