Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stuck Between a Rock and a Vicious Six-Headed Monster.

            Time and time again throughout the Odyssey,hazard upon hazard fall upon poor Odysseus. In this instance,he must sail through a narrow channel with a maelstrom on one side,and a six-headed monster on the other. The question is,what would you choose? Would you face the monster and hope for the best? Or would you try to scramble past the maelstrom when you could? This is the way I though of it. A man against a monster,or a man against a force of nature. Great set of choices eh? Personally I would pick the monster. Why? Well I,as a mere human being,would rather pit myself against something that I would have a chance of killing or at least hindering,rather than pit myself against a force no man can control. Have we seen an instance of man trying to fight against nature? Ah yes! How could I forget? The great hero Achilles! The best warrior among all mortal men! Yet,he was almost killed by a river! Only because of the god's intervention was Achilles able to escape it. If not for them,he would have perished there. But in the past,Odysseus had already slain several monsters! Including a giant cyclops! I think this is what would help weigh my decision. If I had already killed some gruesome creatures,and the god of the sea and storms AT sea had a grudge against me,I would rather fight the monster. Not that Odysseus has much of a choice,but he still puts on his armor,grabs his sword and javelins,and is ready to face the beast. Although! We must keep in mind that he does not tell his men of Scylla the monster! He fears that they would drop their oars and be paralyzed with fear. This hints that just the mere mention of this beast was enough to paralyze a full grown man.  A lot of times in life,we are faced with very tough decisions,but in the end we must make a choice.
So I ask you again,which would you choose,and why?

(P.S. I commented on Skylar Michelle's 'Irony of Hades')


  1. This is a great question! I fully agree though. There is absolutely no way to put one's self up agains a force of nature. The monster was definitely the lesser of two evils! This is very well thought out and organized.

  2. I also agree 100%. I mean why would you pit yourself against a force of nature when you could at least have a chance of killing the monster. I don't know about anyone else but I know I would definitely rather at least try to physically fight the monster instead of hope that i don't drown by some whirl pool.
