Thursday, September 13, 2012

Defiance and Justification

Today in class we spoke briefly about one idea that stuck out to me from the reading. At one point during Odysseus’s travels, his men were starving after being without food for awhile. Eventually, they came upon some cattle which Odysseus had been warned not to kill, but the group decided that dying from hunger was way worse than whatever their punishment could and would be. After deciding that they were going to go against the gods wishes, the men came up with an idea to right their wrong. They decided to sacrifice some of the meat to the gods to justify their actions.

This part of the story immediately made me think about my life. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I definitely do things just like this in my everyday life. Ok, maybe I don’t go around killing animals to sacrifice to the God I believe in, but I do try to strike up tons of other deals so I can pretend like my defiance was ok. 

P.S. I posted to Cameron White's Achilles and His Boy...

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