Thursday, September 13, 2012

What a Player!

Why does Odysseus always have to sleep with every goddess he runs into? I mean Penolope is probably one of the most faithful women in Homer's time. He keeps complianing about wanting to go home, yet he just sits in the bed and does nothing about it! I feel like if he just stayed on course and didn't screw around so much then he could get to Ithaca alot faster. I know men are like expected to be unfaithful when they were on voyages, but I mean come on, have a little respect. He knows where these goddesses live so why even stop there? Crazy! I mean I don't totally hate Odysseus, but he can really be a player sometimes! He does have good qua;ities but he should just be more faithful sometimes!

P.S. I commented on Rebekah Dyes "to be immortal..or not to be? "

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!! Why on earth did he stay with Circe for an entire year? Circe did suggest that the men should stay until they regained their spirits - but would that really take a whole year? Odysseus annoys me with all these women.

    One thing I will say in his favor - aside from his comment that Kalypso was younger and more beautiful in looks than Penelope (which is true, and it would have dumb to say otherwise), he never makes any really disparaging remarks about his wife. Agamemnon could have learned a few lessons about marriage from Odysseus. I'm sure those comments Agamemnon made about preferring his 'prize' to Klytaimnestra had some influence on her decision to kill him. Just saying...
