Thursday, September 13, 2012

Freedom VS Comfort

     In book 5 Odysseus is trapped on Kalypso's island and at the end of the book he is finally about to leave, but Kalypso gives one last effort to try and keep Odysseus on the island. Kalypso says to Odysseus, " Son of Laertes and seed of Zeus, resourceful Odysseus, are you still so eager to go on back to your own house and the land of your fathers? I wish you well, however you do it, but if you only knew in your heart how many hardships you were fated to undergo before getting back to your country, you would stay here with me and be the lord of this household and be an immortal,..." So basically Kalypso tells Odysseus that he can either be free and go home or he can choose to stay on the island with her and be an immortal, in the end Odysseus chooses to leave, he chooses to be free and go home.     In my opinion Odysseus chose the right course of action, he ultimately had to choose to either endure hardship and be free or to stay on the island in comfort. I believe we all to often give up our freedom little by little just to make ourselves comfortable. For example, when we as states delegate our rights to the federal government, whatever rights those may be,  we give our freedom to make decisions away, and we make ourselves comfortable by not having to make hard decisions. Sometimes we as individuals need to man up and make the hard decisions even if that means we have to endure hardship.


  1. Ps: I commented on Burkhardt's post " stuck between a rock and a six headed monster"

  2. I agree with your statement that Odysseus chose the right course of action. I believe he knew the obstacles he would have to overcome and he knew seeing his home and his family again would be worth it all.

  3. I agree Odysseus chose the right path as well because most of what is good is not gained by comfort but by getting out of the comfort zone and face hardships. After all, the longer we suffer, the better the good times will be. Odysseus chose the hardships because he knew what he was fighting for and we all know is not what is waiting on the other side but it is the climb.
