Thursday, January 24, 2013

Selfless Love

Augustine’s Confessions is unlike any book to which I have been exposed.  I love the way Saint Augustine walks his readers through his life before and after his conversion and the process of his conversion. Much of what he talks about has gone through my mind also. Lately, selfishness has been a topic of concern on my mind. In Book II, Augustine talks about the love that he had for a woman. “It went beyond affection of one mind for another, beyond the arc of the bright beam of friendship. Bodily desire, like a morass, and adolescent sex welling up within me exuded mists which clouded over and obscured my heart.” As humans, we struggle with the desires of fleshly love. This, however, is not a love for one another but instead is a love for self. For love to become selfless and Christ like, one must disregard all selfish tendencies.

I commented on Rebekah Dye’s “And We’re Off…”


  1. I think that it's awesome that you chose this topic to discuss. In today's society, people of all different ages struggle with temptations, such as sex. You're right, it is an act of selfishness. I have never thought about it that way before. Many people just want the pleasure, although it will only be temporary. If people would put down their pride, then God could help them defeat their fleshly desires. God is the only one who is eternal.

  2. Our nature as humans is to be selfish and always to look out for ways to satisfy pleasures. These pleasures are often confused for love and what is right and this confuses people into the selfish form of love that if acted upon many times it leads to divorce in marriages and breakups in relationships. In order to possess a healthy selfless love, people have to believe in God but it is easier said than done.
