Thursday, January 24, 2013

And we're off...

Honors, round two. Here we go! I have greatly enjoyed Honors already!
Confessions has brought a lot of enlightenment to me. Even in the short amount of time we've been into it. I love how St. Augustine walks us through his life ad his struggles, pre-conversion, in such a real way. He presents struggles that we face everyday, in such a clear way.
Confessions is unlike most books I've ever read and I look forward to finishing it, and continuing this semesters readings! :)

P.s. I commented on Mallory's "Until we find our rest in Thee"


  1. I have enjoyed reading Augustine's Confession too, I wish though we had a longer time span to read it in because I feel like I'm rushing through this book. How are some of the ways the book has brought Enlightenment to you? For me it has shown me that God never gives up on bringing His children home, and that no matter what evil you have committed, Jesus' blood covers all sin.

  2. I am also glad to be back! Augustine's Confessions is actually convicting. I am, however, having trouble staying focused on it. There are so many hidden gems, and I wish we could go more in depth with it. I have enjoyed reading it so far and look forward to finishing it!

  3. Truth meant a lot to Augustine, and it seems he spent the majority of his life in search of it. He dabbled with Manichaeism, Sophism, general Platonic Philosophy, and many sides of Biblical revelation. This is a humbling work, as the author went through many dangerous and inconvenient ways to find truth. Should we adopt his methods, and even if we find constant failure, be willing to risk our comfort for understanding? Is there another way to do this, a possibly God ordained plan to work through our salvation through "Fear and trembling?" Is this book a warning label, or an example Christians to live by? So far i'm deeply humbled by this book, and hope to find more than I have bargained for.
