Thursday, January 24, 2013

Never Lost to God

 While reading Augustine's Confessions there was a quote in Book I chapter 4 that just completely stopped me in my tracks. He was referring to God and he said, "You welcome all who come to you, though you never lost them." Growing up in church I always understood that people who did not know God were lost. They were searching for answers and a life that would hold no meaning without God. However, I never stopped to think of how God viewed the lost. Augustine's words made me realize that no person in God's eyes is ever truly lost because God is all-knowing. God knows everything about every person on this earth, but when we make the decision to get to know God and come to Him to be saved He still welcomes every single person with grace,love and forgiveness. It is beautiful to know that while I was lost and did not know God that He never lost me. Throughout this autobiography Augustine's comprehension of our incomprehensible God is astounding and it is evident within the first few pages!
"You, my God, are supreme, utmost in goodness,  mightiest and all-powerful, most merciful and most just. You are the most hidden from us and yet the most present amongst us, the most beautiful and yet the most strong, never enduring and yet we cannot comprehend you." Book I:4

P.S. I commented on Mallory's "Until we find our rest in thee."

1 comment:

  1. I think the best thing about the book is Augustine's peace. He just isn't worried about things God is in control of, at the same time he has urgency to lead everyone he knows towards God. I think maybe we should see the lost like that- like God is in control but because of his love we should reach out to everyone. But not worried, because God is in control and loves everyone, but out of joy because we understand that he is in control.
