Thursday, September 27, 2012

What about Aaron?

When we learn about Moses and the burning bush and the deliverance of the slaves from Egypt, Aaron is hardly ever mentioned. Yes, we know him as Moses' brother but his significance is much deeper than his familial ties. It is Aaron who speaks the words of God to the Israelites and to the Pharaoh. When God communicates his plan for the Israelites freedom with Moses through the burning bush, Moses makes several excuses as to why God should choose someone else for the job. He says he is not eloquent in speech. He says he is not good enough. He says he does not know God's name. He says the people will not believe him. Then, in Exodus 4:13 Moses bluntly says, "Oh, my Lord, please send someone else." And God does. He sends Aaron. Because Moses passed over the opportunity to deliver God's people out of fear, Aaron becomes the speaker and gives God glory through his obedience. Aaron plays a bigger role in the Exodus than we give him credit for.

P.S.- I commented on Tinsley's post.

1 comment:

  1. I found it very interesting that Aaron was like the prophet for the voice of God. It was Moses' lack of confidence that started the whole prophetic tradition.
