Thursday, September 27, 2012

Finding the Burning Bush

        In Exodus 3:1-4, I think there is a huge underlying picture that is overlooked. This is Moses first real encounter with God, and what happens here is important. There are two aspects that we generally skim over, and I'd like to address it here.

      First thing we see is that Moses is minding his own business, going about his day-to-day life, tending the sheep. When he notices that there is bush burning, but the fire is not consuming the bush. He then decides to go investing the phenomenon. This is the point where God speaks to Moses. "So when the Lord saw the he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, 'Moses, Moses!' And he said 'I am here'"
     Ok, so what so special about that? Pause for a moment here.  God did not call out to Moses, till Moses took notice of Him and went to investigate. This for me is something encouraging for me. Many Christians, myself included, have prayed "God just use me... God what's do you want me to do... God what am I suppose to do?" I think this can help answer some of those questions. Sometimes to get find a response for God, we have to go where we see Him, we have to be willing to actually move towards God. It takes action on our parts, and action that has to be immediate.  Notice that Moses did not say, "Hmm. Well I'll take this flock home and then come back and see what's going on." No, he immediately went aside.  I think many Christians will be surprised how quickly God sends His answers when He sees that we are willing to take the first step.
    The other is that when God speaks to Moses, Moses answers. Now, this is pretty big for me. I know that Moses probably had a firm understanding of the God of the Hebrews, but there isn't any evidence to show the Moses had a close relationship with God to this point. I mean he intentionally killed a man. Yes, I know there was no Ten Commandments yet, but nonetheless it was against Egyptian law.  Why did Moses not run away and hide when he heard God's voice speak to him through a burning bush? I don't know about you, but if that happened to me I'd be pretty scared. I don't think I would have answered, "Here I am".  This is incredible that Moses did this. He was willing to reveal himself to this unknown thing.  Now, maybe he knew this was God from the start, still, this is incredible. He said "Here I am".  From here begins one the most epic man-to-creator relationship ever told.

Maybe I'm starting to ramble, but this is some scripture that has really been stuck in my head. I think this small bit is incredibly powerful. I'd love to hear some feedback!

Commented on Tinsley's post!

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