Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Holiness of God

Something that stood out to me in the Exodus reading that hasn't really before was when God told Moses to take off his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. This is something that we as humans truly cannot grasp. What I want to focus on, however, is not the fact that Moses was standing on holy ground, but that this encounter was when God called Moses to such a great task. Its interesting to me that God gives Moses a brief glimpse of his glory almost as a prelude to his instructions. What I realized here is that this is how God approaches me in my walk over and over again. Whenever God calls me to do something or convicts me about something, it is always in light of who He is. I can't speak in absolutes, but I think its safe to say that whenever I'm diligent about pursuing God in the word and in prayer, He convicts me about things in my life and calls me to action. This is exactly what happened to Moses at the bush. He was confronted with an absolutely perfect, holy, God and immediately prompted to action. I think this is the mindset that God calls us to have as we approach life and ministry in general. We have to live our lives in light of who He is, regardless of anything and everything else.

P.S. I commented on Amanda's

1 comment:

  1. I've never thought about it like that. God show'd His holiness as a prelude to the instructions He was about to give Moses. Like we talked today in class, God didn't give Moses a name by which to call him because He was set apart from other gods of the Egyptians. It's like he was showing his power before the instructions to show that when he went to Egypt he wouldn't have to worry about a name because God's power would speak for itself.

    It's so awesome how God works in life. Not only was this a well thought out blog, it also confirmed somethings i was questioning in my spiritual walk.

    Ps. You're awesome Sam!
