Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ignorance of Man

Genesis tells us that originally man was created to be ignorant of the concepts of good and evil. God made us this way because when He created all things, they were good. To know what was evil wasn’t to know what God had created, but to be given desires that weren’t meant for humankind. The tree of knowledge gave mankind desires and conceptions that distorted their view of God and their relationship with Him. Ignorance was not God’s plan for mankind it was relationship with him. God did not desire to keep knowledge from humans. He desired to keep a relationship with them, which could only be continued so long as their hearts remained pure. Once Eve and then Adam ate from the tree of knowledge, they became aware of what wasn’t pure. God’s desire wasn’t to keep his creation ignorant, but it was to keep them from becoming arrogant. 

P.S. I commented on Sam Weeks's "The Holiness of God"

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at this idea. This actually reminds me of a thought that my friend Clay Smith gave me the other day. The fact that our desire for anything is entirely built upon the fact that we know what is not pure connects us to what is that "sin nature" that we have. Generally, in our depraved minds, the first thing we think about is most situations is not what will God receive the most glory from.
